Jeff Jarrett Comments on TNA’s New TV Deal, WWE Stars Pick SSeries Dream Teams, Styles Ranks ECW PPVs

Styles Ranks ECW PPVs

Joey Styles has posted a new article naming the 5 best ECW pay-per-views on the WWE Network. The WWE-produced ECW One Night Stand in 2005 topped his list.

WWE Stars Pick SSeries Dream Teams has posted a new article featuring superstars and their Survivor Series Dream teams. Some of the picks include Dean Ambrose selecting Vader, Tully Blanchard, Terry Funk, and Nick Bockwinkel, while Roman Reigns picked Ambrose, The Undertaker, Edge and Christian.

Jeff Jarrett Comments on TNA’s New TV Deal

Jeff Jarrett, who still owns a percentage of TNA Wrestling, issued the following reaction to TNA’s new TV deal announcement by posting the following on Twitter: