11/10 WWE RAW Results: Rusev Defends the US Title Against Sheamus, Team Cena & Team Authority Await Ryback’s Decision


WWE Monday Night RAW Results

November 10, 2014

Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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Tonight's episode of WWE RAW was pre-taped in Liverpool, England. You can check out Wrestlezone's complete spoiler coverage of the event, or continue reading for the live results of the U.S. broadcast. 

John Cena's music hits and he's greeted by the loudest chorus of boo's since...the last time WWE was in the UK. They start chanting "John Cena sucks" along with his theme song, and once it dies down, he says he enjoys the "English remix" of his song. He then talks about trying to put a team together for Survivor Series, so they can unseat the Authority from power. Cena says that Zack Ryder tweeted that he wanted to be on his team, and now he's injured for the next six months. Randy Orton tried to take a stand, and now he's out as well. Cena announces Jack Swagger for his team, which gets very little reaction. Loud "we want Ziggler" chants. 

After being called out, Ryback makes his way down to the ring and is put over as the most wanted free agent by both teams. He tries to talk, but is cut off by Triple H's music, and the entire Authority comes out, including the security team. They motion to the back, and Mark Henry joins them. Stephanie gets some cheap heat by saying she wanted "God Save the Queen" as her new theme music. Triple H puts over that everything is on the line at Survivor Series, and that's why he's putting the fear of God into the entire roster - he actually calls himself God - because everything is on the line. Trips makes fun of Swagger and Ziggler for being "the little tiny guy", and books them both in matches. Cena mentions that he said the same thing about Daniel Bryan, who beat his ass at WrestleMania.