WWE RAW Results (11/3) – Vince McMahon Returns, Big Show vs Henry, Orton vs Rollins!

Triple H and Orton have words and Orton says he did what he had to, then HHH kind of claps and shakes his head before Orton shakes Noble and Mercury’s hands. He also shakes Kane’s head and they seem to be on the same page, then he gets to Rollins, who tries to smooth things over. Rollins offers a handshake and an apology, then they shake hands but Orton RKO’s him, and whips everyone else out of the ring. Orton backs into the corner and sets up for a punt kick, but Triple H runs in and stops him.

HHH calls everyone else back and tells Orton to look at him, but Orton bumps into him while trying to walk away and punches him. The rest of The Authority runs back in but Orton takes them out, and he goes after Rollins at ringside before punching him on the commentary table. Kane, Mercury and Noble finally separate them, but Rollins Curb Stomps Orton on the table before Triple H finally gets them all to stop. Stephanie tells HHH to finish it, then HHH reluctantly (?) agrees and walks away as Rollins Curb Stomps Orton on the steps from the commentary table. 

BP: I’m happy with the clean win either way, and the drama is great for the build. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for Orton to hit HHH with a RKO, but that may happen somewhere down the line. Rollins continues to look good, and The Authority looks strong after having their ‘backs against the wall.’ Overall it was a good show, minus the small criticisms for the way Sheamus was booked. 

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