New WWE Countdown Poll Revealed, Retired WWE Star Cleared to Return to Training, 10/31 SD! Viewership Info

WWE Countdown – Who Are WWE’s Most Mysterious Superstars?

WWE has posted a new poll asking fans who the most mysterious superstar is in WWE history, and the list will be for a future WWE Countdown episode. The following are the options:

-Mr. America

-The Bunny

-El Torito

-The Higher Power


-DDP as The Stalker

Cody Rhodes

The Miz as The Calgary Kid

-Los Conquistadores

-The Hurricane

-The Executioners

-Dean Malenko as Ciclope

Ric Flair as The Black Scorpion

-The Machines

-Repo Man

Retired WWE Star Cleared to Return to Training

Retired WWE star Santino Marella, who is attempting to make an in-ring comeback, posted the following update on Twitter:

10/31 SD! Viewership

This past Friday’s Halloween edition of WWE Smackdown, took in 2.213 million viewers, which is down from the previous week’s 2.279 million viewers.