WWE RAW Results (9/22) – Miz Defends IC Title, Rusev vs Henry, Ambrose & Cena Go After Rollins!

 Mark Henry comes out and says he needs to apologize for letting everyone down, and they are entitled to pick on him if they want to. He says he really is sorry, then Rusev and Lana come out and Lana says Henry failed yet again. Lana tells the crowd to shut up, and she says Henry could get one more chance for a match with Rusev, so Henry says if the people allow him, it’s on!

Rusev (w/ Lana) vs Mark Henry

Rusev hits Henry a few times and applies an arm trap choke, then he dropkicks him and applies a side headlock. Henry fights out and hits Rusev a few times, then he slams him on the mat and Rusev rolls outside. Rusev tries to throw him into the steps, but Henry shifts and whips Rusev into them. Henry rolls him in and headbutts him, then he heads up to the middle rope but Rusev sweeps his legs. Henry lands hard on the mat and Rusev screams at him to get up, then Henry struggles to get up so Rusev finally puts him in the Accolade and makes Henry pass out.

Winner – Rusev

Adam Rose & The Bunny vs Slater Gator

Titus hits a shoulder block and a backbreaker, then he whips Rose in the corner and Slater catches him with a thrust kick. Slater applies a headlock but Rose fights out, then he sends Slater into the corner and the Bunny dropkicks Slater. He knocks Titus over the ropes and knocks Slater down, then he dives on Titus while Rose hits a Party Foul for the win.

Winners – Adam Rose & The Bunny

Nikki Bella comes out and says she has a legitimate excuse as to why she lost at Night of Champions, and she shouldn’t have listened to Brie’s interview, but she did. She blames Brie’s negative words towards her for the loss, but she says she is fearless and she is taking things into her own hands. Brie comes out and says Nikki is just blaming everyone else for coming up short, but Nikki says this is about Brie never supporting her. Nikki says she called her out here because she doesn’t deserve to be called a Bella, then she calls Brie trash and says she wants the Bella name. Nikki says she should be “The Nikki Bella” and Brie could be a ‘Bryan’, but her husband is probably regretting ever marrying her right now. Brie slaps her and hits her until Nikki retreats, then AJ Lee makes her way out and waits for Nikki to come back for her match.


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