Who is Heyman Mentoring in the World of Hip Hop?, Updated AJ Styles Phenomenal One Tour Dates, Sheamus Praises Cesaro

Sheamus Praises Cesaro

aj stylesFollowing Night of Champions last night, Sheamus spoke with Eden and told her that Cesaro is not only his favorite opponent in WWE at the moment, but is also the closes thing to “fighting himself” in the ring.

Who is Heyman Mentoring in the World of Hip Hop?

On today’s episode of MLW Radio (www.MLWradio.com), top recording hip hop artist Wale, who just released a new single called ‘The Body’ stopped by to talk his two passions in life: pro wrestling and music.

Wale has been a fixture at major WWE events for years.  During the course of the conversation with Konnan and Court Bauer, Wale revealed that he’s been recently sitting under the learning tree of prolific wrestling mind Paul Heyman:

“He’s a smart guy. He gets it…. He knows the game. It’s always good to get advice from guys like that. He’s been so influential on so many guys’ careers.”

Wale is hard at work on his next album, “The Album About Nothing,” which features comedian Jerry Seinfeld. ‘The Body’ is currently available at www.walemusic.com,  iTunes and AmazonMP3.

MLW Radio is available for free on www.MLWradio.com and iTunes, with new episodes released each and every Monday.

Updated AJ Styles Phenomenal One Tour Dates

The AJ Styles Phenomenal One Tour

To book AJ Styles contact Bill Behrens showbis@aol.com www.sbibookings.com

AJ Styles is the current New Japan IWGP Heavyweight Champion

Sept 27               ROH Wesblanco Arena Wheeling, WV http://www.rohwrestling.com/

                              AJ Styles vs Matt Sydal

Oct 4                  Superstars Of Wrestling  Gloucester Leisure Centre UK


                             AJ vs Doug Williams for the IWGP Title

Oct 13               New Japan Ryougoky Sumo Arena  http://www.njpw.co.jp/english/

Oct 25               ROH Lakeland, FL Lakeland Center http://www.rohwrestling.com/

Nov 8                 New Japan Osaka http://www.njpw.co.jp/english/

Nov 15               JAPW Rahway, NJ Rec Center www.japw.net

Dec 13                Superstars Of Wrestling  Gloucester Leisure Centre UK


Dec 20                PWS Rahway, NJ Rec Center http://www.bedofnailz.com/

Jan 16                 XWA Rhode Island https://www.facebook.com/XWARI

More will be announced soon.

Visit www.ajstyles.org for news, exclusive AJ Styles merchandise and more.
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