9/9 WWE Main Event Results: NXT Champions Take Over, Titus O’Neil Goes Rabbit Hunting, Seth Rollins vs. Jack Swagger & More

Adam Rose vs. Titus O’Neil

Titus completely wrecks his opponent for about three minutes, tossing him around the ring and hammering away with shoulder tackles and right hands. The bunny comes down to the ring after awhile and gets on the apron. Heath Slater crawls under the ring and comes out below the bunny, but gets hit with an enzuigiri from the bunny. Adam Rose rolls up Titus for the surprise victory. 

Winner: Adam Rose

KILLAM: I can’t believe I just had to type out any of that. 

Los Matadores vs. The Ascension

Yes, you read that correctly. The NXT Tag Team Champions are in the building! Viktor starts things off and slams Diego. Konnor tags in and they double team him with running shoulder blocks. Diego taunts the big man and drops him between the ropes, following up with a springboard senton splash. Konnor picks him up and slams him into their corner, tagging in his partner who goes to work with right hands. They alternate quickly with tags, keeping Diego on the mat. Konnor levels him with a huge clothesline for a two-count. Eventually Fernando makes the hot tag for Los Matadores and hits a big back body drop on Viktor, followed by a dropkick. He comes out of the corner with a big lariat, and climbs to the top rope, but Viktor dives out of the way and tags in the big man. They hit the Fall of Man for the win. 

Winners: The Ascension 

KILLAM: Not bad. It’s like they listened when I ranted about The Ascension not having any wins over real tag teams. I think this was the longest match they’ve had in 2014, and it was only about five minutes long. Lots of promo for NXT Takeover this week, which is a great thing.