Ring of Honor All Star Extravaganza 6 Results: New World Champion Crowned, Superkick Party, Adam Cole vs. AJ Styles & More

 Adam Cole vs. AJ Styles

 There’s a huge stare-down in the middle of the ring as the fans chant about 80/20 in favor of AJ Styles; definitely a big fight feel vibe. They lock up and Cole spits in his opponent’s face. There’s a botch early on where Styles goes to leap over Cole, but ends up running into him groin-first instead. Styles locks in the Calf Killer early, but Cole gets the ropes to break the hold. He knocks AJ off the top rope and taunts the crowd for a minute, before going into a rear chin lock. He controls the match and pace for several minutes, until Styles comes back with a neckbreaker. He motions for the Styles Clash, but Cole reverses into a neckbreaker of his own. The former ROH champion starts kicking away on AJ’s leg, then goes to the floor and locks in the Figure Four around the ring post (it took him two tries, but he got it), cranking on the leg until the referee made him break it up. They roll back into the ring and Cole locks in the Figure Four again – lots of “Woo!” from the crowd – but eventually the ropebreak is made. Both guys fight to the apron, and Styles hits a great vertical suplex on the edge of the ring, that was almost a Brainbuster. Styles goes up to the top rope and hits a corkscrew splash for a close two-count. He tries for the Styles Clash, Cole counters, comes off the second rope looking for a Canadian Destroyer, but Styles counters that and this time he hits the Styles Clash. 1…2…Cole gets his foot on the bottom rope. They fight to the top turnbuckle and eventually Cole hits a huge German suplex that turns his opponent inside-out. He sets up for the Florida Key, hits it, but Styles kicks out. Cole freaks out and shoves the referee, having a fit that he didn’t win. The opponents start trading rights, then lefts, then forearm shots until both are about to fall over. Cole with a big boot, Styles with a spin kick, Cole with a superkick, Styles with the Pele Kick! 1…2…Cole kicks out with a millisecond to spare. Loud “this is awesome” chants. AJ puts Adam on the top rope and tries for a vertical superplex, and they trade headbutts and punches, trading momentum right above the commentary team. Eventually Styles lifts up Cole for what started as an armdrag, but ended as a Brainbuster/superplex. 1…2…3. 

Winner: AJ Styles

After the match, the referee tells AJ Styles to uphold the Code of Honor. He reluctantly comes back into the ring with the IWGP Heavyweight Championship and extends his hand, picking up Adam Cole to his feet. Cole spits at his feet and walks away.