Ring of Honor All Star Extravaganza 6 Results: New World Champion Crowned, Superkick Party, Adam Cole vs. AJ Styles & More

Tommaso Ciampa comes out through the crowd, hits the ring, and grabs a microphone. He tells Bobby Cruise, who booked it as soon as Ciampa hit the ring, that he’s sorry for attacking him, and he’s sorry to Kevin Kelly, and Ring of Honor. Nigel McGuinness comes out and says that now is not the time or the place, but Ciampa says whenever ROH has a major event, there’s no time or place for him. They end up cutting his microphone, and officials make him leave.  

4-Way Elimination Tag Team Match
Team 1: Josh Alexander & Ethan Gabriel Owens
Team 2: BJ Whitmer & Adam Page (The Decade)
Team 3: Caprice Coleman & Watanabe
Team 4: Moose & RD Evans (w/ Veda Scott & Ramon)

Alexander and Owens are local wrestlers. Steve Corino calls Watanabe and Coleman “the duo from Rush Hour”. Page and Whitmer start the match working over Watanabe, until the New Japan star comes back with a big back body drop and tags in Coleman. He gets tossed to the outside, which brings in RD Evans. Whitmer tags in and socks him with a stiff right hand, but Evans dropkicks him to the floor to a big pop from the fans. Josh Alexander tags in and RD tags big Moose. Josh with a lot of amateur style holds and tosses, but Moose runs through him with a headbutt. Owens comes in and they both take the big guy off his feet. The Decade then hits the ring, but Moose hits a double clothesline to take them to the floor. In comes Caprice Coleman with knife-edge chops that he totally no-sells, so Coleman goes off the ropes with a moonsault, taking out four guys on the floor. RD Evans perches on Moose’s shoulders and dives onto the entire pile to a big pop. Page tells Whitmer to dive, but BJ doesn’t like that plan and throws his partner into the pile instead. Moose is left alone in the ring, looks around and decides its his turn, so he dives over the rope too! The fans love this, and start a huge “Moose!” chant. After a few minutes, Coleman gets turned inside-out by a clothesline form Page, Page gets caught with a huge suplex from Watanabe, and RD Evans almost steals the match with a roll-up and handful of tights. Moose comes in and tries for a clothesline, but ends up taking out his partner instead, as Veda Scott freaks out. Alexander with some new blocks, and their team sets up a great double finisher that included some sort of flapjack and powerbomb combination. Moose with a spear on Alexander and RD out of nowhere with a roll-up on Owens for the win! 

Winners: Moose and RD Evans

Huge reaction from Canada, who loves RD Evans, as does every city. Loud chants of “streak, streak, streak!” and “undefeated!” Adam Page thinks about shaking hands with Watanabe after the match, but BJ Whitmer pulls him out of the ring. 


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