WWE Releases Actual Figures for Japanese Tour; Numbers Far Lower Than Advertised, Is Ryback Over-Selling His Injuries?

Source: F4WOnline.com

Ryback Over-Selling His Injuries?

RybackIt’s been reported several times that WWE Superstar Ryback is out with injuries, healing up nagging issues that have been plaguing him for several months. They even released a video with him in a hospital bed, talking about working injured, and eventually being anesthetized. While he is injured – and even that has been the topic of speculation over the past week – it’s likely that WWE is playing up the injury to appear more serious than it actually is, as Ryback likes to work the internet and his Twitter followers. It was originally announced that he’d only be out for a few weeks. 

The ACTUAL Figures for WWE in Japan

WWE originally announced the numbers for their recent tour of Japan as 6,176 for the first night at the Sumo Hall, more than 12,000 for the second night, and 6,048 for the show in Osaka. In reality, the Sumo Hall can’t even hold 12,000 people, and the attendance for that night was actually closer to 11,000, with the other two events doing about 5,000 each. 

The WWE Corporate website, which announces the actual numbers for stockholders, stated that the Japanese tour sold 14,400 tickets, with the rest being given away. That means, although WWE put over the tour as being a major success to the fans, they only did about half of what New Japan Pro Wrestling draws on average in Osaka. 

KILLAM: I’ve never understood why they feel the need to lie about attendance numbers, especially since they have to make the real numbers available as a public company. Back in the day that was common practice, and most of those  huge WrestleMania record gates are actually quite a bit lower, but I guess they figure they can get away with it, since the vast majority of fans either don’t know, or don’t care. 


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