Jim Ross Blog: Working on a FOX Sports Lesnar/Heyman Piece, Talks Dust Brothers as Heels, Swagger vs Rusev & More

jim ross blogA new Jim Ross blog has been posted over at JRsBarBQ.com, and below are some highlights:

“Doing some research on the recruitment of Brock Lesnar to WWE and on @HeymanHustle aka Paul Heyman and his national, cable TV beginnings in Atlanta for WCW. This will be a piece for FoxSports.com and will be posted in a few days. There are some interesting stories concerning both men that I think that you will enjoy.”

“Interested in the Rhodes boys antagonistic turn on Monday Night Raw. I think it helps the tag team scene that is still a work in progress. Dusty’s boys are unique to say the least and I like their potential contributions as both have somewhat been underutilized.”

“When those talking about the Jack SwaggerRusev rivalry, it seems as if the goal is to enhance the persona of Rusev at the end of the day but Swagger can maximize his minutes and help his own cause. Baby faces that get over never go down without fighting their heart out, selling with their head up and never quitting on the fans. Simple but true philosophy.”


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