WWE RAW Results (8/25) – Rusev vs Swagger, Eulogy For Ambrose, Nikki Attacks Brie, Cena vs Bray!

 Seth Rollins & Kane vs Roman Reigns 

Kane and Rollins stomp Reigns and Rollins splashes Reigns in the corner, then he connects with a running forearm before Kane whips him at Reigns. He goes for a clothesline but Reigns backdrops Rollins on the floor, then he pummels Kane in the opposite corner and hangs him up on the ropes. Rollins tries to intervene but Reigns slams him into the barricade and hits him a few times, then he throws him out of the way before hitting Kane with an apron kick. Reigns goes for a Superman punch but Kane blocks it and chokes him, only to have Reigns surprise him with a spear. Reigns makes the cover, but Rollins hits him with his briefcase to break it up and also causes the disqualification.

Winner (by disqualification) – Roman Reigns

Rollins hits Reigns a few more times and sends him into the barricade, then Kane joins in before revealing some more cinder blocks at ringside. Kane holds him while Rollins gets on the commentary table, but Reigns breaks free and takes Kane down before Superman punching Rollins. Reigns throws Kane into the ringpost and sends him to the ground, then Reigns picks up a cinder block and walks over towards Rollins, who begs him to stop. Reigns throws the block at his head but Rollins ducks and it shatters on the ringpost, then Rollins runs away as Reigns Superman punches Kane in the timekeeper’s area.

 Los Matadores (w/ El Torito) vs Slater Gator 

Diego dropkicks Slater and whips him, then Titus causes a distraction and Slater knocks Diego down and gets a near fall. Titus tags in and hits a backbreaker, then he argues with Slater before Slater avoids a rollup and hits a diving clothesline. Titus tags himself back in and whips Diego, then he splashes him and chops him before slamming him onto the top turnbuckle. Slater chops Diego and tags in, then Titus whips Diego towards him, but Diego ducks a clothesline and gets a cruficix rollup for the win.

Winners – Los Matadores


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