WWE RAW Results (8/25) – Rusev vs Swagger, Eulogy For Ambrose, Nikki Attacks Brie, Cena vs Bray!

 Seth Rollins is complaining to Kane about what Roman Reigns did, and he says Reigns is too stupid to realize what he did. He says what happened to Dean Ambrose will happen to him, then Rollins says he and Kane will face Reigns tonight, and take him out for good.

Damien Sandow vs Dolph Ziggler 

Miz comes out and says he is a Hollywood celebrity, and his stunt double will be playing the role of Miz in this match, Damien Miz-dow! The bell rings and Dolph goes for a rollup, but Sandow stomps him in the corner and hits a suplex for two. Sandow hits him a few times and puts him in a Figure Four, but Dolph reverses it, so they break and Dolph hits Sandow with a Zig Zag for the win.

Winner – Dolph Ziggler

BP: This was great. I am usually hit or miss on Sandow’s gimmicks, but this was a home run. He wrestled with Miz’s moveset and wore his gear, and it worked really well. I’m loving Miz’s gimmick because he is really embracing it, and Dolph is a good foil for him.

Jerry Lawler welcomes Nikki and Brie Bella to the ring to try and work out their differences, and Nikki mocks Brie for coming out to the same entrance music. Brie says she could have the music, and she wants to make things right, because she loves her family and she thought she did the right thing. Brie says she quit because she was standing by her husband, and she really is sorry, but Nikki calls it a load of crap. Nikki says the fans might be stupid enough to believe her but she doesn’t, because Brie wants the spotlight and she never cared about Nikki. Brie denies it but Nikki says this is all an act, and Brie has always held her back so she is so done with all of this.

Nikki runs the fans down before attacking Brie’s personal life, and she says Brie is loved because she is Mrs. Daniel Bryan, but Brie used to steal all of her boyfriends. Nikki says she is telling the truth and Brie abandoned her, and Brie sat home and watched on TV while she got put in handicap matches and attacked. Nikki continues to scream at Brie and Lawler tries to intervene, but Nikki calls him an old man and tells him to get lost. Nikki tells Brie she doesn’t have a sister and she wishes Brie died in the room, then she pulls Brie’s hair and slaps her. She shoves Brie over a chair and hits her a few times, then Lawler and a few referees finally separate them and Brie cries as Nikki walks away.

BP: The Bellas are terrible actresses. I gave them credit for their in-ring skills and they can be assets for the Divas division, but this is exposing them for what they aren’t. The physical part of this, and even the promo overall is good for getting heat, but the sisters’ delivery kinda kills it. I hope they get better because this one isn’t going away.


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