TNA Impact Wrestling Results (8/14) – Knockouts Title Match, EC3 Thrown Out, Team 3D vs Hardys!

 Team 3D vs The Hardy Boyz

Bully hits Jeff and holds him up for a Devon legdrop, then we see Jeff set up Poetry In Motion but Devon pulls Jeff’s hair and slams him on the mat. Devon slams Jeff down and knees him, then they continue to work on him and kick him before hitting an elevated double team neckbreaker. Jeff elbows Bully a few times before Bully backdrops him, then he heads up top but Jeff cuts him off and hits a hurricanrana for two. Both men tag out and Matt hits a clothesline and a bulldog, then he hits a Side Effect for two before heading up top and Matt hits a moonsault for two. Bully breaks it up and Devon hits a clothesline, then Jeff hits him and heads up top before we get tied up in a three man Tower of Doom spot.

Jeff ends up climbing to the turnbuckles and Matt holds him in electric chair drop position, then Jeff connects with a spin kick for two that gets the crowd to really pop. Bully comes back in and hits Matt from behind, then Team 3D hits a Doomsday Device for two before slamming Jeff on the mat. They follow with WAZZUP! on Matt, then Bully tells Devon to GET THE TABLES, but Jeff takes them out with a dive over the ropes. Matt hits a Twist of Fate in the ring and Jeff follows with a Swanton for two, but Bully breaks it up before they hit a Death Drop for the win.

Winners – Team 3D

BP: This match was really great to see, whether it was for nostalgia or otherwise. The setup was easy enough, and they delivered a hell of a match. Tonight’s show was a really good follow up from last week. #ItHappens had so much build, and this was a great way to continue to progress.

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