Backstage News on WWE Releasing Ricardo Rodriguez, Paul Heyman Talks About WWE Releasing His DVD

Ricardo Leaves WWE


As reported earlier this week, Ricardo Rodriguez was released from WWE. His contract was set to be renewed the night after WWE SummerSlam. It seems that Ricardo was getting frustrated that he was not being used as a wrestler in any way after he was separated from Alberto Del Rio. 

Rodriguez was coming back from an injury, so he was used as a Spanish commentator for the time being. Ricardo even tweeted about how he could get back to doing what he loves, and that is wrestling. 

As for how he got hired, the original person that WWE wanted to use for Alberto Del Rio’s personal ring announcer told people that he was not interested in doing any sorts of ring announcing. This led to Ricardo Rodriguez getting a tryout around SummerSlam four years ago.

Paul Heyman on his DVD and Alfonso Castillo have a lengthy and in-depth interview with Paul Heyman about his new DVD set to release next week. Below is a piece of the interview and the full article can be viewed here.

On WWE releasing a DVD specifically for him:

“I look at it from many different perspectives. Number one, I don’t think I ever had any bigger advocate, besides my father, than Vince McMahon during the 1990s. There’s a story that is recounted on the documentary. I was sitting in the office with Steven Chau in 2000, who was the president of the USA Network reporting directly to Barry Diller. This was at the time when WWE was in federal court in order to jump to Viacom off of USA Network. And USA was looking to fill the programming slot, and ECW was the frontrunner for that option at the time. And during the meeting, Steven Chau showed me a printed-out email that he had received the night before from Vince McMahon that said, “If your network doesn’t do business with ECW and, more specifically, with Paul Heyman, you will be depriving your network of a great resource and your viewers of guaranteed great programming.” And Vince had no reason to do that except it’s what he felt at the time. He felt ECW was a great shop for the industry in terms of developing talent. So I can’t tell you that I’ve spent my life butting heads with the McMahons. I’ve had my ups and downs with them, as anybody else in my position would. I would not have guessed three or four years ago that a documentary on my career would have been released by WWE. But I wouldn’t have guessed three or four years ago that I would have been back in WWE.”