TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/31) – Destination X Returns, X Division Tournament, Hardys vs Wolves, Lashley vs Aries!

TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Austin Aries vs Bobby Lashley (c)

Aries takes Lashley down and goes right for Last Chancery, then he knees him in the corner and dropkick’s Lashley’s knees. Lashley gets free and throws him outside, but Aries comes back in with a shoulder block before he sends Lashley outside and dives at him. Lashley catches him and suplexes him on the floor as we cut to a break, then we get back to see Lashley send Aries out to the floor following a clothesline. Lashley hits him and applies a bearhug, then Aries elbows him and boxes his ears to break it, and he hits the ropes but Lashley catches him and presses him before dropping him on the mat. Lashley goes for a Dominator but Aries floats over and hits a discus clothesline, then he chops Lashley several times before sending him outside.

Aries hits a double axe handle smash off the turnbuckles and follows with a flying forearm, then Aries hits a neckbreaker and heads up top. Aries connects with a missile dropkick and calls for an IED, but Lashley catches him with a running powerslam and calls for a spear. Lashley runs but Aries knees him in the face and puts him in Last Chancery, but Lashley powers out so Aries knees him in the face. He calls for a Brainbuster but Lashley throws him back, and he goes for a spear but Aries sends him shoulder first into the ringpost. Aries connects with another discus forearm and an IED, then he calls for another Brainbuster and hits it, but somehow Lashley kicks out at two. Aries heads up top but Lashley rolls outside, then Aries calls for a suicide dive but Lashley sidesteps it and Aries goes face first into the barricade. Lashley rolls him back in and waits in the corner, then he hits a spear and makes the cover to retain.

Winner – Bobby Lashley

BP: This is Destination X, but I love that they continue to let Lashley work with athletic opponents. Eric Young, Jeff Hardy and now Austin Aries have allowed Lashley to show off his power and skill, and they’ve been good matches. Aries looks great in the loss, and Lashley gets another solid win as champion. Tonight, the promos weren’t out of hand and to the point, and they let the in-ring action get the spotlight. This was top to bottom, another great show by TNA, and next week looks to be just as good.

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