TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/31) – Destination X Returns, X Division Tournament, Hardys vs Wolves, Lashley vs Aries!

Team 3D and Tommy Dreamer come to the ring and Dreamer says extreme isn’t about tables and chairs, it’s about work ethic, and there are plenty of guys who have what it takes. He puts over names like Eric Young and Samoa Joe, and says he would go to battle with them, just like he would battle with Bully and Devon, so Ethan Carter is wasting his time. He tells Ethan he’s not waiting and they should fight now, but Ethan comes out and says they will fight next week. Bully says they don’t go to war ‘next week’ and no one wants that, then Bully asks him if he knows where he is, because he could start a riot now. Bully says if Ethan is picking the time, he picks the terms, and they are going to have an eight man tag match, a hardcore weapons war, and Dixie is going through a table after they win it.

The Beautiful People are backstage talking about how they are sick of hearing about Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell, and Angelina asks how long it will continue. She says she should be getting a title match, the rematch she is entitled to, but Kurt Angle is blocking her from that. Angelina says she will get her way somehow, and she will have an announcement next week that is worthy of Destination X.

X Division Championship Qualifying Match 

Samoa Joe vs Tigre Uno vs Homicide

Homicide kicks Joe and takes him down with a headscissors, then he sends Uno to the floor, and takes Joe down with him following a suicide dive. We get back from a break to see Uno dropkick Joe, then he hits the ropes but Homicide and Joe kick him before they hit him with a high-low dropkick/legsweep combo. Joe and Homicide slug it out before Joe kicks him a few times, then Homicide catches him with a diving cutter for a near fall. Joe comes back with a belly-to-belly throw, then he kicks Homicide in the corner and knees him before setting up a powerbomb. Uno breaks it up with a dropkick, then he hits Homicide with an enziguiri before connecting with a top rope double legdrop for a near fall.

Joe jabs Uno a few times and hits an atomic drop, then he kicks him and goes for a backdrop, but Uno rolls away and hits a springboard corkscrew splash for two. Homicide breaks it up and follows with a DDT off the turnbuckles, then he calls for a Gringo Killer but Joe clotheslines Uno and counters a tornado DDT by Homicide. Joe catches him with a Uranage slam out of the corner, then he goes for a Muscle Buster but Homicide breaks it up and Uno tries to kick Joe. He sidesteps Uno and kicks Homicide on the turnbuckles, then he picks him up and hits a Muscle Buster for the win.

Winner – Samoa Joe

BP: Joe versus Sanada versus Low Ki next week? I’m sold. That match is great on paper, but it should definitely deliver when it’s all said and done too. Tonight’s X matches have been great, like much of their work this year.