TNA Impact Wrestling Results (7/31) – Destination X Returns, X Division Tournament, Hardys vs Wolves, Lashley vs Aries!

X Division Championship Qualifying Match 
DJ Z vs Manik vs Low Ki

Ki sends Zema outside and kicks Manik, then they counter each other a few times and come to a standoff. Zema hits them with a springboard dropkick, then he whips Ki and runs at him before countering a backdrop with a kick from the apron. Zema goes for a springboard DDT but Ki throws him in the corner, then he elbows Zema a few times before Manik runs back in. Zema knocks him down and runs across the ring, but Ki hits him with a stepover kick before Manik takes Zema down with a spinning headscissors. Manik sends Ki to the floor and puts Zema in an Octopus stretch, then he transitions to a deathlock variation and also hits Ki with a Northern lights suplex for two while still applying the submission. Ki dropkicks both opponents into the corner and heads up top, but Zema knocks him down and heds up top before Ki roundhouse kicks him out to the stage. Manik goes for a reverse underhook hold but Ki hits a double stomp, then he follows with a Ki Crusher for the win.

Winner – Low Ki

James Storm comes out and says he is leading a revolution, and he is Sanada’s new leader and mentor because he was sick of seeing what the Great Muta was doing. He calls Sanada his friend, then he introduces him to the crowd, and Storm makes him bow before he gets in the ring.

X Division Championship Qualifying Match
Sanada vs Brian Cage vs Crazzy Steve (w/ The Menagerie)

Cage jumps at the bell and clotheslines both opponents, then he hits Steve with a backbreaker before clotheslining him outside. Sanada hits him in the corner but Cage hits him with two backbreakers for a near fall, then Steve faces off with Cage and taunts him into a test of strength attempt. Steve kicks him and tries to take him down, but Cage picks both Steve and Sanada up and hits fallaway slams before kicking Sanada in the face. He backdrops Sanada out to the floor, then Cage sets up a superplex but Steve counters and boxes his ears before hitting a powerbomb off the turnbuckles. Sanada breaks it up and Steve hits a rolling turnbuckle bomb, then Cage uppercuts him and follows with a reverse spinning fireman’s carry slam. Cage springboards off the ropes but Sanada avoids the moonsault, then he hooks the arms and hits a bridging tiger suplex for the win.

Winner – Sanada

BP: They mentioned Cage was on Gut Check, but I don’t remember it. Samuel Shaw was the guy that beat him then, but Cage looks like a great talent too. He’s built like a house and moves incredibly well for a big man. Sanada winning here seemed obvious with the Storm promo, but he should keep getting pushed if they are building this Muta/Storm/Sanada angle.


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