20 Man Battle Royal
(Winner Receives A Title Shot Next Week)
Everyone slugs it out and picks a corner, then The Freak chokes Jessie and throws him outside after Jessie had eliminated Crazy Steve. DJ Z is next out, then Bram, Magnus and Knux slug it out, and Knux goes for a big boot but Bram ducks and gets hung up in the ropes. Magnus dumps him outside, then Hardy fights to avoid an elimination by Storm, and Tigre Uno goes for a hurricanrana on Magnus but Bram elbows him in the head and sends him to the floor. Sanada gets knocked outside, followed by Magnus, and Bully fights with Ethan on the apron while Storm sends Anderson outside. Storm sends Gunner right out after Anderson, then Hardy hits Bram with a Twist of Fate and clotheslines him to eliminate him. Spud helps Ethan stay in the match while Bram flips out about his elimination, then Abyss (not in the match) runs to the ring and Bram tries to hit him with part of the turnbuckle. Abyss blocks it and punches Bram several times, and they fight to the back as King throws Manik over the ropes and to the floor. We get back from a break to see Roode throw Storm outside, then Spud tries to attack Bully before he backs down. Bully hits him in the crotch before Ethan saves him, and he hits Bully several times before Spud chokes Bully on the ropes. Spud heads up top but Bully catches him and throws him on the floor, then he hits Ethan in the back of head. Bully clotheslines him but accidentally eliminates himself too, and they both hit the floor as King stomps Eric in the corner. King hits Roode a few times before Roode meets him with a spinebuster, then Roode attempts a Roode Bomb but King grabs the ropes to block it. MVP hits Roode in the stomach with his crutches and King sends him outside, but Eric dumps King right over the ropes and we are down to Eric Young and Jeff Hardy. Hardy shakes Eric’s hand and they go for a tie up, then they spill to the apron but Hardy headbutts Eric and throws him into the turnbuckles. Hardy kicks him and whips him across the ring, but Eric lands on the apron and struts (Flair style) before hitting a shoulder tackle. Eric tries to springboard in but Hardy kicks him, then Eric fights to hold the ropes but Hardy hits a top rope dropkick and sends him to the floor.
Winner – Jeff Hardy
BP: I’m fine with the final men in the match, and who won, but why did Kurt have to be so obvious about it? He had a backstage promo where he said he was pulling for Hardy and knew he’d come out (instead of Willow); they should have brought Hardy back earlier or done something more to make the outcome a little less predictable. With that said, it was a good show and good main event, once the match broke down to about seven or eight men left.
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