Bully Ray is backstage screaming about how he doesn’t need to say much about Rhino, because they should probably know how he feels right now. He says he is going to call Rhino out now and find some answers, then they cut to EC3 and Rhino, and EC3 says Bully is about to get some answers. Ethan says Rhino is going to tell them all what kind of man Bully is, and Rhino says he has plenty to say and they walk away. Bully calls them to the ring and says he thought Rhino was a friend, and he should beat the crap out of him right now, but he wants some answers. He says they have so much history together, but Rhino tells him to shut up, because he was sitting at home and realized Bully is a con man.
Rhino says he saw the Hall of Fame nomination and asks why Devon isn’t here with him, and he says Bully uses people just like he used Paul Heyman and Dixie Carter. Bully calls it a cop out and says Rhino is jealous, then Rhino says he is no Hall of Famer, but Bully says the fans say he is. Bully says Rhino is responsible for himself, and he got himself fired from WWE and TNA, then he says he used to be hardcore but now he’s a bitch. Ethan says he found Rhino and paid him off because Rhino needs money to care for his family, and he has a lot of resources. Bully attacks Ethan but Rhino knocks him right down, then they stomp him a few times but Tommy Dreamer runs out and fends them off with a kendo stick.
BP: I like having the ECW guys who can still wrestle being featured. They can all cut pretty good promos too, and Ethan being involved just helps elevate him.
Knockouts Championship
Brittany vs Angelina Love (w/ Velvet Sky)
Madison Rayne vs Gail Kim (c)
Brittany and The Beautiful People attack Madison on the floor, then Gail runs down during her entrance and fights them back. The match gets underway and Madison tries to roll Gail up, but Gail elbows her before Madison comes back with a bridge suplex for two. Gail faceplants Madison, then Angelina pulls Gail outside and slams her face first on the floor before Brittany hits Madison with a DDT. Angelina tells Brittany to work with her so she whips Angelina into Madison, connecting with a clothesline, then Brittany hits a back handspring elbow in the corner. She assists Angelina with a double team elbow, then Brittany hits a side Russian legsweep and Angelina tries to steal the pin after telling Brittany to check on Gail. Brittany gets pissed and they slug it out, then Gail takes them both out with a missile dropkick and hits Brittany with a few clotheslines. She takes Brittany down with a cross body, then Angelina breaks it up and Brittany hits a handspring moonsault. Madison connects with a Rayne Drop but Angelina turns her and hits the Botox Injection, then Gail ends it with Eat Defeat on Angelina for the win.
Winner – Gail Kim