Del Rio is still in control with his kendo stick after they come back from break. He comes off the top rope with it, but Sheamus throws him across the ring. The champ comes back with a series of clotheslines, followed by the Irish Curse backbreaker. ADR stays down for a count of 7, and then pulls out his best Ric Flair impression, begging Sheamus not to hit him with the kendo stick. The champ of course does not listen, pelting him with shots from the cane over and over again. He sets up for White Noise, but del Rio counters with a DDT, and both guys are down. Del Rio misses a dive to the outside, but catches himself in the ropes, only to get caught with Ten Beats from Sheamus – it’s actually 20 beats for good measure, and he gets thrown face-first into the announce table after.
After a second commercial break, ADR doesn’t waste time with a ten-count and starts beating down on Sheamus with a chair. He gets back up at a count of seven, then catches a chair shot and plants the challenger with a clothesline. He sets up for the Brogue Kick, but gets caught in the ropes and takes a Backstabber from del Rio. Superkick attempt from del Rio, but Sheamus ducks under it and this time he connects with White Noise. He sets up a table in the ring, much to the delight of the crowd, but ADR hits a step-up enzuigiri to take him down. He barely responds by a count of nine – del Rio tries for the Cross-Armbreaker, Sheamus shakes it off, but runs head-first into a steel chair. Now the Cross-Armbreaker is locked on, and it stays on for half a minute, until Sheamus dead-lifts his opponent up and sends him crashing through the table. Sheamus gets up at 8, and del Rio barely gets back up before 10, but gets turned inside-out with a Brogue Kick. You can count all day, because this one’s over.
Winner: Sheamus (retains)