WWE RAW Results (7/7) – Bret Hart Appears, Miz vs Jericho, Cena vs Rollins!

Seth Rollins vs John Cena

Rollins hits the ropes but Cena hiptosses him, then he goes for a bulldog but Rollins ducks and superkicks him. He stomps Cena as we go to a break, then we get back to see Cena lift Rollins up on his shoulder and slam him on the mat. Rollins stomps him and goes for an enziguiri, but Cena catches his boot and goes for a STF, only to transition into a cradle powerbomb for two. Cena heads up top but Rollins kicks him in the head, then Cena rallies with a shoulder tackle and sit out side slam. He hits a Five Knuckle Shuffle and goes for an AA, but Rollins lands on his feet so Cena puts him in a STF.

Rollins makes it to the ropes so Cena pulls him in the middle of the mat, then Kane's pyro explodes and Cena breaks the hold. Kane makes his way down to the ring, then Randy Orton runs in from behind and attacks Cena. They both stomp Cena near the ropes, but Roman Reigns makes the save, Superman punching Kane before they fight up the ramp. Rollins gets back in to it and connects wih a few kicks, then he tries to cash in but Dean Ambrose runs down and attacks him. Ambrose fights him up the ramp and they disappear backstage, and Cena drops Orton with a surprise Attitude Adjustment. Kane tries to chokeslam Cena, but Reigns runs in and spears him, then he raises Cena's arm and they have a staredown to end the show.

Result – No Contest

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