WWE RAW Results (7/7) – Bret Hart Appears, Miz vs Jericho, Cena vs Rollins!

Cesaro (w/ Paul Heyman) vs Kofi Kingston

Kofi runs in the ring and dropkicks Cesaro, then Cesaro regains his composure and throws Kofi out of the ring. Cesaro stomps him and hits a gutwrench slam, then he blocks a rollup before military pressing Kofi into a backdrop for two. Kofi goes over Cesaro's shoulder and rolls him up for the win. Cesaro attacks him from behind and throws him into the ringpost, then Big E runs out and takes Cesaro out with a shoulder tackle. Heyman gets Cesaro to back off, then E checks on Kofi and dares him to come back.

Winner – Kofi Kingston

BP: Kofi gets another upset win. Big E vs Cesaro should be a good feud, at least the matches will be.

Seth Rollins approaches John Cena and says they should be able to talk, eventhough Cena doesn't trust him. He says last week was different, but tonight is all about being the best. Rollins says he is going to prove it's him, then he might cash in, or maybe Cena will get hurt some time soon. He says one way or another, Cena will lose his title, and Cena thanks him for the backhanded compliment and has something for him. Cena says Rollins is good, and he walks around like he owns it, but he is forgetting he was just fighting to the top not too long ago. He says all Rollins has is a match with a champion, not as one, then Rollins just shrugs it off and says he will see him out there.

El Torito (w/ Diego) vs Bo Dallas

Torito runs around and Bo tells him to stop, then Bo tries to fight kneeling down so Torito slaps him and connects with a stepover kick to the Bo-lls. Bo flips out and chases him around, then Torito slaps him but Bo just gets mad and throws Diego into the steps. Torito runs at him, but Bo elbows him in the face and hits a Bo-Dog for the win.

Winner – Bo Dallas


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