WWE RAW Results (7/7) – Bret Hart Appears, Miz vs Jericho, Cena vs Rollins!

Chris Jericho vs The Miz

Jericho kicks Miz a few times and throws him out of the ring, then he brings him back in and bulldogs him, but Miz counters a Lionsault by throwing him outside. Miz knees him a few times and throws him into the apron, then Jericho comes back with a quick slam and a Walls attempt. Miz kicks him away and kicks him in the face, then he charges the corner but Jericho catches him with a dropkick. Jericho chops him in the corner and floats over to avoid a whip, but Miz kicks his knees and conencts with a swinging DDT for two. Miz goes for a seated big boot but Jericho ducks and tries to take him down, but Miz grabs his legs and puts him in a Figure Four. Jericho makes it to the ropes to break, then Miz tries kicking him but Jericho avoids it and punches him, then he sweeps his legs and makes him tap to the Walls of Jericho.

Bray Wyatt cuts him off and he's seen rocking in his chair, and he says he is waiting for Jericho to save them all. He asks how Jericho can save them when he can't even save himself, and Bray proved he belonged last week, and he will never eeeeever let Jericho forget. He says the former Jericholics sing a different tune, then Jericho tells him to shut the hell up and he is right about something. Jericho says actions do speak louder than words, so he's going to come kick his ass, but the feed cuts out and Harper and Rowan are shown at Bray's side. Jericho stops at the bottom of the ramp, and Bray taunts him into fighting him before sitting back and rocking in his chair. 

BP: Excellent segment between Wyatt and Jericho. I'm a little surprised Miz lost clean, but he is playing up this vanity angle so it does make sense.

Winner – Chris Jericho

Paige & AJ Lee vs The Funkadactyls

Cameron refuses to tag in and lets Naomi get beat down, and she does her nails on the apron. Paige and AJ wear Naomi down, then Cameron finally decides to tag herself in after Naomi catches Paige with a kick. She gets in the ring, but Paige catches her with a Paige Turner for the win. Naomi asks what her problem is, and Cameron pokes her a few times, then Naomi shoves her back and starts punching her. They pull each others' hair and go to the mat, but a ref tries to break to break them up so they finally wrestle to the floor before separating.

Winners – Paige & AJ


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