WWE RAW Results (7/7) – Bret Hart Appears, Miz vs Jericho, Cena vs Rollins!

Layla finds Fandango backstage and asks if he is jealous of Dolph kissing Summer Rae last week, but Fandango says Dolph insulted him last week. He says that is an insult to their love, and he would never want that, then he kisses Layla as Summer watches and flirts with him from a doorway.

BP: OK, Dolph is more 'unofficially' involved. 

Jerry Lawler welcomes Bret Hart to the ring, and Bret panders to the crowd and says he wishes he could wrestle one more time, in front of this crowd. He says Montreal has the best fans in Canada, and he is getting goosebumps like he used to, then his music cues up again… Damien Sandow comes out and calls himself the true 'Best There Is…', and he references the Montreal Screwjob and mocks Bret for calling it a big scheme. Sandow keeps egging him on and mocks Canada and Bret's promo ability, then Bret has enough and knocks him out with a punch, sending him to the floor.

Sheamus vs Damien Sandow

Sheamus hits Sandow a few times and Brogue Kicks him for the win.

Winner – Sheamus

Renee Young joins the Miz backstage to talk about his triumphant return to RAW, and he reads a letter from a fan about how excited they were for Miz's return. The fan said Chris Jericho ruined his return, but he is going to put Jericho in his place. Miz talks about how everything could have been ruined if Jericho ruined his face, but he clenches his fist and says Jericho is ready for his close up.


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