Randy Orton vs Dean Ambrose
Ambrose kicks Orton near the ropes and stomps him a few times, then he punches him in the head a few times and whips him into the ropes. Orton kicks him in the face and hits Ambrose's injured shoulder, and knocks him out of the ring as we go to a break. We get back to see Orton attack Ambrose's shoulder again, then he suplexes him onto the barricade before applying a headlock. Ambrose breaks it so Orton kicks him, then Ambrose slams Orton shoulder first into the ringpost and sends him outside. Ambrose takes him down with a suicide dive, then he slams Orton shoulder first into the barricade before rolling him inside. Ambrose ends up diving over the commentary table and tackles Seth Rollins (guest commentary), then he punches him a few times before trying to steal a pinfall on Orton in the ring.
Orton kicks out and connects with a powerslam, then he sets up a hangman's DDT but Ambrose backdrops him onto the floor and sets up another suicide dive. Rollins jumps in the way and hits Ambrose in the shoulder with his briefcase, and causes the intentional disqualification. Orton drops Ambrose with a RKO, then Orton holds him down while Rollins goes up top and attempts to stomp Ambrose's shoulder. Roman Reigns runs out, now being allowed since the match is over, and shoves Rollins off the turnbuckles before Orton and Rollins retreat.
Winner (by disqualification) – Dean Ambrose
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