WWE RAW Results (6/30) – Three Huge Returns, New Divas Champ, Cena’s First Defense Announced

Dolph Ziggler vs Fandango (w/ Layla)

Dolph dropkicks Fandango but Fandango comes back with some kicks, then Fandango gets a near fall and kisses Layla on the apron. Dolph elbows Fandango and connects with some mounted punches, then he hits a neckbreaker and an elbow drop as Summer Rae makes her way out. Summer gets in the ring and makes out with Dolph, then Fandango asks what she is doing but Summer continues to kiss Dolph. Fandango looks upset as Summer leaves, but Dolph takes the opportunity to hit a Zig Zag for the win.

Winner – Dolph Ziggler

Goldust & Stardust vs Rybaxel

They brawl as the bell rings before it clears out and Goldust hits an atomic drop, then Ryback hits a suplex and puts Goldust in a headlock. He slams Goldust into the turnbuckles and goes for a Meathook, but Goldust counters with a spinebuster before making the tag. Stardust hits some diving strikes and a drop down uppercut, then he connects with a strike off the turnbuckles and follows with a DDT. Stardust hits Ryback as he comes in and Axel tries to surprise him with a neckbreaker, but Stardust counters with a Cross Star for the win.

Winners – Goldust & Stardust

Paige comes out and says she usually lets her actions talk, but some people think she isn't a champion and should go back to NXT. She says she thinks they are wrong, and she proved she should stay, then AJ Lee cuts her off and skips down to the ring, and Paige looks rattled. AJ says Paige is right, and Paige proved her wrong, because she thought she was untouchable and rubbed it in people's face. She says Paige slapped some reality into her, and she just wanted to thank her, but Paige says she doesn't buy it and AJ is playing games. Paige says she won't make the same mistake AJ did, and won't defend her title, but AJ polls the fans and asks for a match tonight. Paige says fine and a ref enters the ring, then he rings the bell and this is official.