'No Chance In Hell' cues up and the fans pop, but Damien Sandow comes out dressed up as Vince McMahon and cuts a promo as 'McMandow'. He says he found talent like Triple H, Hulk Hogan and Stone Cold Steve Austin, but also a man who they are too ignorant to appreciate, Damien Sandow. He says Sandow is entered into the Battleground Battle Royal, then Stephanie McMahon cuts him off and screams at him for this charade. She says he has a lot of nerve mocking her father, and they built this company on giants, so he can face one right now.
Damien Sandow vs The Great Khali
Sandow tries to reason with Khali, but Khali hits a Big Chop and makes the cover.
Winner – The Great Khali
Justin Roberts welcomes a former WWE Champion and cross platform superstar back to WWE, and after a pause, it's revealed to be… The Miz! He walks to the ring and says he's baaaack, and he was tempted to stay in Hollywood to shoot more films because executives told him he was a star. Miz says he had all the appreciation in Hollywood, but he came back because the WWE fans take him for granted, and they are all wrong. Miz says he isn't leaving until he main events Wrestlemania again, and they show him real respect, and they will beg him not to leave.
BREAK THE WALLS DOWN! Chris Jericho cuts him off, making his return to WWE, and Miz looks furious and asks what he wants. Miz says this must be where Jericho comes back for a few weeks and doesn't talk, and he has a lot of nerve coming back and cutting him off. Miz talks about his accomplishments, but Jericho drops him with a Codebreaker and says that felt great. He says he waited a long time to say this, and welcomes them to RAW.. is.. Jeri… LIGHTS OUT? The Wyatt Family surrounds him and Jericho tries to fight them off, but he gets outnumbered and they pummel him in the corner. Rowan and Harper both clothesline him, then Bray hits Sister Abigail
BP: This was awesome. The fans chanted it, and it was. Jericho was teased all day online, and I thought it was a red herring. Justin LaBar said Miz and I agreed, and he was intially what we got. They also didn't lie, because Jericho DID return, so that was a great surprise, but the Wyatts' involvement was great. Everything about this worked.