WWE RAW Results (6/23) – Vickie Fired, Ziggler vs Barrett, MITB Matches Set

Vickie Guerrero vs Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie comes out and says Vickie is dressed to compete, but she's in the wrong place, because they will have a match over here, and motions to a large pool. It's filled with a foul smelling, brown liquid, and Stephanie says the loser will end up in the pool, and then Vickie gets fired. Stephanie motions for some Divas and Layla, Rosa and Alicia come to the ring, and they chase Vickie around and try to throw her in the pool. Vickie breaks free and kicks them down, then Vickie shoves Rosa in the pool and throws Layla headfirst into it. Vickie gets a bit of confidence and throws Alicia in it, then she turns and does a YES chant, but Stephanie grabs her and throws her in the pool. Stephanie mocks her and does sings goodbye to her, but Vickie throws her in the pool and does Eddie Guerrero's Latino Heat taunt before blowing a kiss and waving goodbye.

Winner – Stephanie McMahon

BP: This was a bit over the top, but Vickie got a nice send off, considering the situation. She was definitely well-liked backstage and not like her character on screen. She couldn't do much more since The Authority essentially stripped her of power, so it's a good time for her character to be retired. 

Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger (w/ Zeb Colter) 

Swagger hits Kofi a few times and applies an armbar, then Kofi breaks free and hits a leg lariat off the ropes before dropkicking Swagger on the floor. Kofi splashes him and goes for a near fall, then he hits the ropes but Swagger pancakes him and makes him tap out to the Patriot Lock.

Winner – Jack Swagger

Big E vs Damien Sandow

Sandow comes out in an Abe Lincoln suit, then he beats up E in the corner and taunts the crowd. E comes back with some clotheslines and a belly-to-belly throw, then he hits the Big Ending for the win. E says he is tired of Rusev and Lana mocking the country, then he pumps up the crowd until Lana cuts him off. She calls him a fool and taunts him, then Rusev runs in from behind and hits him before kicking him in the face and putting him in the Accolade.

Winner – Big E