Cranky Vince Twitter Account Back Online, Ryder Reviews His New Action Figure

cranky vinceCranky Vince Twitter Returns

The Twitter account @CrankyVince has resurfaced again, after being taken down earlier this week. The individual behind the Vince McMahon parody account was thought to have been found out earlier this week. As's Justin LaBar reported Wednesday, it was speculated that Vince McMahon might have found out who was behind it and had them shut it down. However, the page was only taken offline temporarily and is now back up.

Another interesting thing to note is that all of the accounts' old tweets are still there, meaning that someone new couldn't have opened an account using the same name. The same person originally behind it is most likely still behind it. However, it's also possible that the @CrankyVince page could have been transferred to a new person or party as well.

Zack Ryder Reviews Action Figure

Zack Ryder recently reveiwed his brand new Mattel WWE Series 40 Global Superstars action figure on Ringside Collectibles latest Figure Insider video.  Zack's new figure can be ordered here. Also, check out the following video of  the Ryder review below: