Rewind: 2014 TNA Slammiversary Results: X-Division Ladder Match, Von Erichs Return to Texas, Team 3D in the Hall of Fame, 3-Way Cage Match & More

-Borash welcomes the Dallas Cowboys to the show, and they get a very mixed reaction. He then brings out Kevin Von Erich, who gets a great reaction, who thanks the fans and introduces his sons, Marshal and Ross Von Erich. 

The Von Erichs vs. Jessie Godderz & DJ Zema Ion

The BroMans attack the Von Erichs from behind while they’re getting ready for the match. Marshall – who wrestles barefoot like his father – reverses an Irish whip into a hip toss. Ion tags in and then gets arm dragged across the ring. He lifts the kitchen sink knee lift, then sets up for the Von Erich Claw, but the BroMans double team him to save the match. Marshall responds with a belly-to-belly slam and makes the hot tag to Ross. Right hand by Ross, but Jessie throws him off the ropes and to the floor. Ion goes flying over the ropes with a senton splash, taking down Ross. A massive “Von Erich” chant from the fans – Taz thinks he’s gone back in time – but Godderz dropkicks Ross to shut them up. He tries for a standing leg drop but misses, and Ross hits a sunset flip and tags out to his brother. Marshall with a dropkick, then the backflip Von Erich dropkick, and now he motions for the Claw. Again the BroMans double team him, but Ross takes them both out with stereo dropkicks off the top rope. The Von Erichs hit an assisted uppercut on Zema. Jessie has a chair, but is kicked off the apron. Forearm shot by Ross, standing moonsault from Marshall, but Jessie is here with a chair and he causes the DQ finish. 

Winner: The Von Erichs (via DQ)

-Kevin Von Erich hits the ring and puts the Claw on Zema Ion – massive, giant pop from the crowd. Father and sons celebrate in the ring together in front of their home crowd. 

KILLAM: I can’t believe I just watched an arena come unglued for a Kevin Von Erich claw…in 2014. Awesome spot. The match was a little chaotic, but not bad for how young the Von Erich boys are. Marshall seemed to be the better of the two, working most of the match and was in control, while Ross occassionally looked lost in there. It could have been how the match was put together, but it wasn’t that bad; just something I noticed.