WWE RAW Results (5/26) – Evolution/Shield Contract Signing, Does Bryan Surrender The Title?

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WWE RAW Results – Quick Results: Cesaro def RVD – Eva Marie def Summer Rae – El Torito def Drew McIntyre – Rusev def Zack Ryder – Batista & Randy Orton def The Brotherhood – Bo Dallas def Sin Cara –  Emma def Alicia Fox – Adam Rose def Damien Sandow – Sheamus def Alberto Del Rio  #wrestlezone  

WWE RAW Results
May 26th 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

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The Authority comes to the ring and Stephanie says tonight is about choices, and she hopes Daniel Bryan will make the right choice and surrender his title. She says he fights for the fans and they didn't want to be right, but Bryan's body broke down and he is a B+. Stephanie says they want Bryan to defend his title, but he can't, so he should do the right thing, and Triple H says it's too bad. HHH says some hit a ceiling and burn out, but some are legends and Evolution is legendary, and The Shield will find out on Sunday that they can't stop Evolution. He says they will have a contract signing with The Shield, but they will sign a contract to perish, and Stephanie says that brings up another matter to take care of.

Brad Maddox is called to the ring, and HHH wants to know why he named The Shield as guest commentators, but Maddox says the Shield forced him. Stephanie says he might not have had a choice, but now they don't have a choice, and Kane's pyro explodes as he heads to the ring. Maddox tries to plead with them but HHH punches him out, then Kane picks him and chokeslams him. Kane follows that up with a Tombstone, then he sets his pyro off but Stephanie cuts it off, saying Maddox is also fired, before they leave.

BP: I usually tune Stephanie out because it's the same crap all the time. Nothing we didn't really already know from either one. Maddox getting fired isn't even relevant because he hasn't been a factor in months.

Rob Van Dam vs Cesaro (w/ Paul Heyman)

RVD connects with a spin kick and some punches, then Cesaro hits a gutwrench throw but RVD knocks him outside and goes for a moonsault. Cesaro catches him and slams him onto the barricade, then he whips him headfirst into it as we go to a commercial break. We get back to see RVD hit Rolling Thunder and a side slam, then Cesaro rolls outside and RVD splashes him. Wade Barrett leaves commentary but RVD drops him with a thrust kick, then RVD rolls Cesaro in and hits a split-legged moonsault for two. Cesaro goes for an uppercut but RVD ducks and hits a heel kick, then he kicks Barrett off the apron but Cesaro catches him with a German suplex for the win. Sheamus runs out and Brogue Kicks Cesaro after the match, then he shakes Cesaro's hand and points at Heyman, who is not pleased.

Winner – Cesaro

BP: Nothing really to say except it was a decent match, but short. I like the Sheamus run in; this group of guys is a good start to the mid card being rebuilt.


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