Breaking: Daniel Bryan Suffering From Injury, Requires Surgery & Time Off

daniel bryanThere is a new report by, who exclusively reported about Daniel Bryan's concussion back in January, claiming WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan has apparently suffered a neck injury and will need a "minimally-invase neck procedure." According to the report, Bryan wll be out of action for several weeks, and his status for WWE Payback is in question. 

This may be completely unrelated, but during Bryan's post-WrestleMania feud with Kane, the champ took three Tombstone Piledrivers, including one on the ring steps, and one on the announce table, during an in-ring segment on Monday Night Raw. At this time it's unknown if his injury and the angle are linked – Bryan was put in a neck brace during the feud – but Kane has always been known as one of the most respected and safe workers in the business. 

We will likely know more in the near future, as either Bryan or someone within WWE is expected to address the injury on Raw tonight. 


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