Ring of Honor & New Japan Pro Wrestling “Global Wars” Results: Adam Cole Defends Against Kevin Steen, Jushin Liger Returns to North America, AJ Styles in Action

ReDragon vs. BJ Whitmer & Jimmy Jacobs vs. The Briscoes

Mark Briscoe stars the match off against Bobby Fish, hitting him with a little Red Neck Kung Fu. BJ Whitmer tags himself in from behind, taking out an ignorant Fish with a clothesline. Mark and Jay alternate tags on Whitmer using hard right hands and kicks. Jimmy Jacobs spears Mark off the apron and now The Decade have taken control of this match – that's 3 spears tonight thus far. Jacobs and Whitmer takes a few minutes off and graciously let ReDragon have their way with Jay Briscoe. Briscoe starts throwing right hands and makes the hot tag to his brother. 

Mark hits a big boot on Kyle O'Reilly and plants Jacobs with a urinage, but Whitmer makes the save and hits him with an exploder suplex. Kyle is back with a yakuza kick to BJ, but Jacobs turns him inside-out. They set up for the All-Seeing Eye on Bobby Fish, but the Briscoes make the save. Jay Briscoe is all fired up, hitting a fireman's carry driver on Jacobs. The Briscoes set up with the Doomsday Device on JJ and… they hit it! 1-2-3. 

Winners: The Briscoes

KILLAM: This match could have been something really special given more time – we've sprinted through 3 matches in about 35 matches, including video packages, which isn't usual for Ring of Honor. We've also only seen one New Japan talent, and only one advertised match, which probably means the rest of this show will be excellent, but I've not been overwhelmed by greatness yet. A few good spots, and definitely nothing bad. But you know all three of these teams could have gone 20 minutes with no problem.