5/1 WWE NXT Results: Adrian Neville Defends Against Brodus Clay in No DQ Match, WWE Divas in Action, Tournament Kicks Off & More

-They air a really good Brodus Clay video package, where he talks about WWE taking away his dominance and dignity with the Funkasaurus gimmick. This is the Brodus we should have seen about two years ago. 

Adam Rose vs. Danny Burch

The bell rings, but Adam runs around the ring getting the fans to yell and chant for him. They finally lock up and Burch gets a wrist lock, but Rose gets free and rolls around the ring about ten times to escape. Rose with an armdrag takedown, but Burch strong mans it and hits a clothesline. Adam goes into "Brie Mode" and starts no-selling everything, hitting a dozen right hands and knife-edge chops. He connects with a Bronco Buster, followed by a Hangman's Facebuster for the 1-2-3. 

Winner: Adam Rose

-The crew comes out to celebrate after the match, but Camacho attacks some guy in Luchador garb. 

KILLAM: The Rose gimmick is over HUGE with the NXT fans. He makes his Raw debut next week, but I worry that the gimmick isn't going to get the same reaction with the much larger WWE Universe. There's a lot of motion in his entrance and pre-match shtick, some of which works, and some doesn't. Hopefully somebody on the main roster can help him decide what to focus on, and what to do away with. 

-Brodus Clay is on cocaine. He cuts a backstage promo about being selfish, taking Adrian Neville's smile, and becoming the NXT Champion later on tonight. All while pacing around, snorting a bunch, and acting crazy. Definitely cocaine.