WWE RAW Results (4/28) – Bryan Returns, IC Tourney Finals, Reigns vs Orton

Jack Swagger (w/ Zeb Colter) vs Cesaro (w/ Paul Heyman)

Cesaro reverses Swagger's waistlock with a gutwrench slam, then he hits another before sending Swagger outside and hitting an axe handle smash on the floor. Swagger reverses a whip and sends him into the barricade, then he whips Cesaro into the ropes and Zeb grabs his legs. Heyman goes after Zeb and pulls his moustache, then Swagger tries to help but Cesaro hits a German suplex with a bridge pin for the win.

Winner – Cesaro

Alberto Del Rio vs Cody Rhodes (w/ Goldust)

Alberto hits Cody a few times and slams him on the mat, then he goes for a suplex but Cody floats over and dropkicks him. He hits the ropes but Alberto hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for two, then Cody hangs him up on the ropes and kicks him in the stomach before heading up top. Alberto catches him on the way down with a superkick, then he puts him in the Cross Armbreaker and makes him tap out.

Winner – Alberto Del Rio

Alexander Rusev (w/ Lana) vs Xavier Woods (w/ R-Truth)

Woods hits a dropkick out of the corner and hits Rusev a few more times, but Rusev shakes it off and hits a side slam before he sets up the Accolade. Truth runs in and hits him to cause the disqualification, then they knock him on the apron and Truth sends Rusev off the apron with an axe kick. Lana ends up holding Rusev back, and Woods and Truth dare him to come back but Rusev leaves.

Winner (by disqualification) – Alexander Rusev

BP: A few quick matches right in a row, but they were effective since they all had some stories to build on. Not sure why Truth caused the intentional DQ since he's a face, when it could have been after the bell to save Woods. Rusev looks shaken, but I still expect him to kick the crap out of Truth and Woods Sunday.