WWE RAW Results (4/28) – Bryan Returns, IC Tourney Finals, Reigns vs Orton

Paul Heyman tells Cesaro that he can't believe Rob Van Dam talked out against him, because RVD is an original Heyman Guy. He says he dealt with the last guy who had a problem with him, and that was The Undertaker. Heyman says RVD told the truth, and he is a liar and cheat, but he takes his clients all the way to the top. Cesaro says that's all he needed to hear, and they shake hand and nod to each other.

Sheamus vs Titus O'Neil

Titus jumps Sheamus during his entrance and hits him from behind, then he slams him into the barricade and whips him into the ringpost. Sheamus pulls himself up and tells the ref to ring the bell, then Titus knees him in the corner a few times until the ref backs him away. Titus argues with the ref and goes back after Sheamus, but Sheamus catches him with a Brogue Kick and makes the cover.

Winner – Sheamus

BP: Good way to continue to build up the Brogue Kick. Still not sure why they broke up Prime Time Players.

Dolph Ziggler puts the new X-Men: Days of Future Past movie over, then he introduces Hugh Jackman and welcomes him to the ring. Jackman puts over how great RAW is, and he says something great always happens, and Dolph reminds Jackman of when he knocked him out. Dolph says he is fine with what happened and can move past it, and he says they both got great exposure, so Jackman agrees to shake on it. Damien Sandow comes out in a Magneto costume and mocks them, saying Dolph is just star struck. Sandow says they will meet the same fate, then the fans tell Jackman to knock him out and Jackman makes fun of the costume. Sandow says he will demonstrate the power of magnetism, then he tries to pull the microphone away from Jackman and Jackman plays along a bit. He stops and says Sandow is a fake, then he throws the mic and hiptosses him before Dolph drops Sandow with a Zig Zag and celebrates with Jackman.

BP: I hate comedy segments that drag out, but I was laughing at this one. Sandow plays it perfectly and the costume was great; I give him props for keeping a straight face.


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