WWE RAW Results (3/31) – Cena Faces His Fears, Batista vs Orton, Is The Yes Movement Over?

wwe raw

RAW Quick Results: Big E def Alberto Del Rio – Summer Rae def Natalya – Los Matadores & The Usos def Rybaxel & Real Americans – The Brotherhood def Damien Sandow & Fandango – Bray Wyatt def R-Truth – Naomi def AJ Lee – Kane def Roman Reigns (DQ) – Batista vs Randy Orton ends in No Contest  

WWE RAW Results
March 31st 2014
Report by Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

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Brad Maddox announces he is entering himself into the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Main Show:

The Undertaker starts the show by saying he doesn't claim to be better than any of his victims, but he does go further than anyone else at Wrestlemania. He asks Brock Lesnar what he's actually going to do to try and beat him, and he knows Brock is dangerous, but there are people who believe. Those people believe in the streak and Brock will rest in peace, but Brock and Paul Heyman cut him off and Heyman says Brock doesn't have to win. He says Taker has to not lose the match, and all it takes it one moment and a F-5 to lose, which is a spoiler, not a prediction. Brock walks towards the ring and tries to fake Taker out a few times, then Heyman slides a chair in and Brock slides in the ring. Taker meets him with a few punches but Brock drops him with a clothesline, then he hits a F-5 and taunts Taker from the bottom of the ramp.

Big E vs Alberto Del Rio

Big E hits a few forearm shots and a front slam, then Alberto throws him into the ringpost and stomps E's hands on the ring steps. We get back from a break to see Alberto apply a Cross Armbreaker on the ropes, but he breaks at the ref's count and heads up top. E catches him and hits a backbreaker, then he goes for a Big Ending but Alberto floats over and hits a Backstabber for two. Alberto jumps down on E's arm and follows with a Cross Armbreaker, but E deadlifts him and slams him on the mat, only to have Alberto grab the bottom rope. E sets Alberto up top but Alberto shoves him back and double stomps his chest (BP: sick looking move) into the mat, and follows with a superkick for the win.

Winner – Alberto Del Rio

Summer Rae vs Natalya

Summer kicks Nattie in the corner and clotheslines her, then she applies a headlock but Nattie suplexes her and whips her towards the ropes. Summer stops and slaps her, but Nattie clotheslines her and slaps her back before going for a Sharpshooter. Summer kicks her back and rolls on the apron, then Nattie grabs her hair but Summer kicks her in the head and makes the cover.

Winner – Summer Rae


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