TNA Impact Wrestling Results (3/27) – Joe vs EY, EC3 Looks For Willow, Storm vs Gunner

Rockstar Spud and Ethan Carter III are shown looking for Willow in his "home", and Spud thinks it's a bad idea. Ethan tells him that Willow needs to pay because he attacked them in his home, and they need to carry on. They end up finding a barn, and Spud warns him to stay away, but Ethan goes in and taunts Spud. Ethan mocks him and plays along, but Willow ends up pulling Spud away and laughing in the background.

The Wolves vs Magnus & Abyss

The Wolves chop Magnus before Abyss knocks Davey down, then we get back after a break to see Magnus counter a crossbody with a vertical suplex. Eddie catches him with a hurricanrana before Davey hits some elbows, then he dropkicks Magnus before sidestepping Abyss. He dropkicks both of them and kicks Magnus in the chest, then Eddie follows with an enziguiri before Davey hits a German suplex for two. Abyss breaks it up and sets up a double chokeslam, but The Wolves hit double roundhouse kicks and knock Abyss outside. Eddie rolls through and puts Magnus in a single leg Boston Crab, and Magnus quickly taps, much to the surprise of his partner.

Winners – The Wolves

BP: I do like the goofball antics of Carter and Spud. It worked as Bateman/Batemax/Mr. USA in WWE, and it works now. The two just work well together. The Wolves looked good in the win, Magnus continues to look like an easy win and Abyss starts a slow turn against his employer.

Angelina Love calls Velvet Sky out and says she needs to explain why Velvet's been ignoring her, and Velvet comes out and yells at her for attacking Madison Rayne. Angelina says she lost her edge and Velvet used to be someone, but now she's just someone's biatch. Velvet takes offense but Angelina says it's true, and she sat home for two years because she was blackballed, but now Velvet needs to choose a side.