WWE Stock Sets Another Record
Yesterday, WWE's stock closed at $31.14, which is again a new record for the stock.
WWE Tracking Down Man Illegally Streaming Events
Several readers have sent in word that TorrentFreak.com has posted a new article regarding WWE's attempt to track down a Romanian man who has been illegally streaming WWE events. The following is an article excerpt:
During March 2013, Facebook said that WWE Intellectual Property Director Matthew Winterroth was behind the closure of a page operated by Wrestling-Network, a site offering links to WWE streams and shows. Wrestling-Network operator ‘BeBe’ was told by the social network that he would need to contact the lawyer directly to solve the dispute. BeBe decided to quit Facebook and moved to Twitter instead, but by the summer WWE had raised its head again, this time after PayPal disabled an account used for the site’s finances.
BeBe says that in October WWE sent a takedown notice to Cloudflare, who handed over the details of the site’s actual host. For a few months things went calm, but last week all that changed. PayPal closed the site’s new account which had been opened by a third-party, and Facebook shutdown Wrestling-Network’s new page and BeBe’s personal page while they were at it. At this point things took a turn for the unusual.
More WrestleMania XXX Promo Videos
The following are more WrestleMania 30 hype videos: