Alberto Del Rio vs Sheamus
Alberto kicks Sheamus a few times but Sheamus tackles him in the corner, then he rams him with his shoulder and clotheslines him outside. Alberto runs at him but Sheamus hits a rolling fireman's carry slam on the floor, then he throws him into the barricade before rolling him back in. Sheamus knees him a few times before Alberto rolls outside, then Sheamus follows but Alberto slams his head into the ring steps. Alberto snaps Sheamus' arm over the steps as we go to a break, then we get back to see Alberto drag Sheamus away from the corner to apply an armbar. Sheamus breaks it so Alberto goes for a leg lariat, but Sheamus sidesteps it and clotheslines him on the apron.
Sheamus pulls him inside and hits him a few times, then he connects with a powerslam before clubbing Alberto on the apron. Alberto gets free and superkicks him on the apron, then Sheamus hits a kneelift before connecting with an Irish Curse for a two count. Alberto jumps down on Sheamus' arm and puts him in the Cross Armbreaker, but Sheamus deadlifts him and slams him down to break the hold. Alberto rolls through and puts him back in the hold, but Sheamus crawls over and gets his foot on the bottom rope to break it. Alberto attacks Sheamus but the ref makes him break at five, and Alberto gets pissed and tries to hit him again, but Sheamus surprises him with a Brogue Kick for the win.
Winner – Sheamus
The Wyatt Family appears on the Titantron and Harper asks why John Cena does what he does? He says Cena will soon realize the fame and glory is a lie, then Bray says it's happening and Cena will see the truth. Bray says they will find out what happens when Cena doesn't have his legacy, but he has his own legacy and the world is his teacher. Bray says he doesn't want to save Cena because there's nothing to fix, but he will stand back and watch it burn around him.