Triple Threat Title Match at WrestleMania 30?, WWE Getting Behind NXT as a Pure Wrestling TV Product, More

Source: The Wrestling Observer

Triple Threat IC Title Match at WrestleMania?

triple threat title match​While initial plans are calling for Cesaro vs Jack Swagger at WrestleMania 30, it could end up being a triple threat match for the IC title involving Big E.

WWE Getting Behind NXT as a Pure Wrestling TV Product, More

Prior to last week's WWE NXT Arrival special, WWE officials told NXT talent that the company is getting behind NXT as a self-sustaining, pure wrestling product, which will give all the NXT talents a lot of exposure.

This is something congruent with what Triple H touched on during his NXT Arrival conference call, and the idea was firmly conveyed that NXT will be its own entity, and somewhat of a "throw back" to earlier pro wrestling days.

Talents were told that even if they don't get called up to the main roster, as was the case with Emma, that this is going to be a slow process, and all talents are getting great exposure by being on the WWE Network.


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