Cesaro calls for the Giant Swing but E counters with a side slam for two, then Cesaro throws him outside and Swagger tries to attack him. E ducks and clotheslines Swagger, then he runs at Cesaro but Cesaro sweeps his legs and puts him in the Swing. Cesaro psyches himself up after he throws E across the ring, but Swagger attacks E and puts him in the Patriot Lock to cause a disqualification. Swagger tries to apologize and they end up turning to leave, then E attacks Swagger but Cesaro hits him with a Neutralizer before leaving.
Winner (by disqualification) – Big E
John Cena comes out and says he did say the future of WWE has to go through him, and it comes with respect, but he put a target on himself. He says Bray Wyatt has made a name for himself, and he didn't think Bray would meet him so soon, but he made a bold move by attacking him last night. Cena asks Bray if he's game to make another bold move, then Bray comes out with Harper and Rowan and says Cena promises to make things safe. He says Cena is a liar for telling the fans he can protect them, and he stands for everything that is right, and he wants to properly introduce himself. Bray says they are the reapers that will go through his era, but Cena says he's starting something he can't finish if he enters the ring. The Wyatts enter the ring and Cena tries to fight them off, but he gets tackled and stomped on the mat before Bray calls them off. Cena tries to run at them but Bray just attacks him again, and Cena grabs at his knee and tries to cover up as Bray backs away again.
Christian vs Sheamus
Sheamus clubs Christian a few times and sends him outside, then Christian tries to slam him into the ringpost but Sheamus pulls him back into it. Christian snaps his head on the ropes and dropkicks him for two, then he rakes Sheamus' eyes and tries to throw him into the turnbuckles. Sheamus backdrops him outside and hits a shoulder tackle from the apron, then we get back from a break to see Christian stomping him in the corner. Christian headbutts him and they trade a few punches, then Christian heads up top but Sheamus ducks a crossbody. (Cont'd…)