WWE RAW Results (2/17) – Cena vs Cesaro, Orton Finishes Gauntlet, Shield/Wyatts Brawl

wwe raw results

WWE RAW Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
February 17th 2014

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John Cena comes out to talk about the Elimination Chamber, and he says someone is going to have a lot of momentum by surviving the chamber. He says Randy Orton doesn't have any momentum because he's been beaten by three separate opponents, and the odds are against him. Cesaro cuts him off and Zeb Colter says Cena's looking at the next champion, then Cesaro says he'll be the new face of WWE and America! Cena says Cesaro's not on a winning streak, Orton has a losing streak, and he should shut his mouth since he's never been in the match before. Sheamus comes out and makes his case for winning, but Christian is close behind and he says he's not mad at Sheamus. He says the Brogue Kick he received was an accident, but his Killswitch that wins this Sunday won't be.

Randy Orton comes out and thanks the Authority for giving him a chance to beat them all on Sunday, and he underestimated Cesaro but it won't happen again. He says Cena can't beat him when it matters, and he's had some great matches with Christian, but he's won them all. Orton says Sheamus won't get near him with a Brogue Kick, and there's a reason he's the face of WWE… but Daniel Bryan's music cuts him off. Bryan says the fans do his talking for him, and this all leads to Wrestlemania, so he's worked too hard to let this opportunity slip away. He says they will all chant YES at the end of the night, then the crowd starts a YES chant until Kane joins them in the ring. Kane says Sheamus and Orton have already been announced, so John Cena will face Cesaro, and Christian will face Daniel Bryan. He says he's staying at ringside to watch, because this match is happening right now.

Christian vs Daniel Bryan

Kane teases getting in the ring so Bryan stands guard, but Christian attacks him from behind and throws Bryan into the barricade. Christian kicks him a few times and whips him into the steps as we go to a break, then we get back to see the ref officially ring the bell. Christian applies an armbar but Bryan throws some uppercuts, then he sends Christian outside and goes for a suicide dive, but Christian uppercuts him. He snaps Bryan's arm down and applies an elevated armbar, then he snaps Bryan's arm on the ropes and kicks him. Christian scoops slams Bryan and continues to work on Bryan's left arm, then he connects with a tornado DDT before headbutting him a few times. (Cont'd…)


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