WWE RAW Results (2/3) – Outlaws Defend Against Brotherhood, Orton vs Bryan

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WWE RAW Results
February 3rd 2014
Report By Bill Pritchard

Randy Orton comes out and says it's unfair that he has to defend his title at Elimination Chamber, because he's already beaten his opponents and he's going to win again. Orton says he was Batista's equal in Evolution, but he's better now and he will kick Batista's ass because he's the greatest Superstar around. The Authority cuts him off and Stephanie says Orton needs to calm down because he has a history of paranoia and blowing up, then Orton screams how it's not fair but Triple H tells him he has to think about his actions as face of WWE. He says Orton might be replaceable, and Stephanie says she can't believe she is saying it, but maybe they could even have Daniel Bryan as their face, then HHH leads a YES chant and the crowd goes crazy.

The Shield vs Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston & Big E Langston

Langston rams Ambrose with his shoulder and Kofi armdrags him, then Ambrose backs him into the ropes for a tag but Kofi takes Rollins down with a kick. Kofi whips him and monkey flips him, then he splashes him in the corner before Reigns gets a tag and sends him into the corner. Rollins snaps Kofi's head on the ropes and goes to attack him, but Kofi breaks free and Rey connects with a hurricanrana and a kick off of the tag. Rollins gets Rey in electric chair drop position as Reigns tags in, and Rey tries to break free but Reigns clotheslines him off of Rollins' shoulders for a near fall. We get back from a break to see Rey kick Ambrose in the corner, then he gets to the corner to tag Langston, who clotheslines Rollins and takes Reigns down with a belly-to-belly suplex and a splash for two. Rollins and Ambrose break it up but Kofi splashes them and Rey sends Rollins outside, but Reigns comes back with a Superman punch as Kofi gets knocked on the apron. Reigns calls for a spear but Ambrose tags himself in, and he connects with a headlock driver and makes the cover before Reigns gets in his face and Rollins tries to keep the peace.

The Wyatt Family appears on the Titantron and Bray says he knows The Shield are pawns, and they move around until they sacrifice themselves. He says the end is closer than they think, and he will build his empire while his enemies fall, then Harper asks if it was worth it. Harper says he's always been their king, then Rowan leans in and tells them to run before the feed cuts back out.

Winners – The Shield


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