WWE RAW Results (2/3) – Outlaws Defend Against Brotherhood, Orton vs Bryan

Bad News Barrett calls for some decorum and says the Super Bowl was watched by millions, but the bad news is they just stuffed their faces with junk food. He says they won't survive until next year's game, then Jerry Lawler gets up and says the bad news is they hope they don't see him next week.

Christian vs Jack Swagger (w/ Zeb Colter & Antonio Cesaro)

Christian kicks Swagger in the corner and backdrops him to the floor, then he dropkicks him through the ropes and sets up a slingshot splash. Swagger sidesteps him and sweeps his legs, then he rolls Christian back in but Christian fights out of a submission and kicks him. Swagger slams him in the corner for a near fall, then he hits him and heads up top but Christian kicks him on the way down and follows with a missile dropkick. Christian runs to the ropes but Swagger knees him and goes for a gutwrench slam, but Christian counters with an inverted DDT for two. Christian calls for a Killswitch but Swagger blocks it, then Christian uppercuts him and heads up top, only to have Swagger catch him on the way down. Swagger puts him in the Patriot Lock but Christian kicks him away, then Swagger goes for a Swagger Bomb but Christian kicks him away and gets a victory roll for the win.

Winner – Christian

WWE Tag Team Championship
Steel Cage Match
The Brotherhood vs New Age Outlaws (c)

Goldust puts Road Dogg in a headlock and armdrags him, then he taunts him in the corner before Billy tags in and Cody gets him with a sunset flip for two. Road Dogg sends Cody into the corner before Billy applies an armbar, then Goldust gets the tag and applies an armbar of his own. Goldust punches Road Dogg in the corner and goes for a crossbody, but Road Dogg ducks and Goldust hits the cage as we cut to a break. We get back to see Road Dogg whip Goldust into the cage, then Billy gets in but Goldust catches him offguard and tries to jump over him for a tag. Billy catches him and kicks him in the face, then Road Dogg throws a few jabs but Goldust comes back with a spinebuster and Cody gets the tag.

Cody slams Billy into the cage and kicks him in the stomach, then he goes for Cross Rhodes but Road Dogg jumps in so Goldust sends him into the cage. Goldust gets thrown across the ring as Cody hits Billy with Cross Rhodes for a close near fall, then Cody looks around and starts climbing the cage. Road Dogg tries to catch up to him but Cody slams his face off the cage, then he connects with a moonsault off the top of the cage, but Billy runs in and hits a Fameasser for the win.

Winners – New Age Outlaws


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