12/19 TNA Impact Wrestling Results: “Final Resolution” Special, Jeff Hardy vs. Magnus for the World Title, Roode-Angle & More

-Jeff Hardy comes out and stands inside a steel cage, and talks about his past. He says he also thought about his future, about his family and his daughter, and doing what he loves to do. He says he met with Dixie Carter, who cares? He says Dixie doesn't own him, because nobody owns him. Dixie comes out, and Hardy is not happy about it. She compares him to AJ Styles, saying that everything they have they all owe to her, the TNA President. She says the only reason Jeff still has a job, after "his past", is because of her. Dixie threatens Jeff and tells him to do the right thing, and stop thinking about his stupid wife and child, or there won't be anybody to put out his music and art. 

Dixieland Match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Hardy vs. Magnus

Jeff Hardy attacks Magnus straight away, firing off with right hands in the corner. He boots the boots to him and drills Magnus with a double leg drop. They fight up to the top rope and Magnus gets the better of the exchange. He tries following with an elbow drop, but comes up empty. Again they brawl up to the top, and this time Jeff comes up empty with a Swanton Bomb as we cut to the last commercial of the night. 

When we come back, Jeff Hardy is trying to get the cage to give birth to him, climbing out of one of the camera holes. Magnus pulls him back in the ring and clips his nees. He locks in a single crab submission hold and Hardy taps out, but obviously that's not going to end the match. Magnus starts climbing out of the cage, but Hardy catches him and throws Carter to the floor, catching him with Whisper in the Wind. Jeff climbs to the top and, instead of actually going to win the match and the title, he hits Whisper in the Wind off the top of the steel cage. After several minutes, both guys climb the cage and come down on opposite sides. EC3 hits the ring and climbs the cage, but Magnus knocks him down. 

Jeff Hardy comes around and hits a Twist of Fate on Ethan Carter III. Magnus and Hardy start trading right hands, fighting up the entrance ramp, and Hardy plants Magnus with the Twist of Fate. Hardy approaches the ladder, coming face-to-face with Dixie Carter. He climbs the ladder, reaching for the title, but Rockstar Spud comes out and throws over the ladder as Jeff crashes hard to the floor. The Carter family helps Magnus climb the ladder and retrieve the World Heavyweight Championship. 

Decision: Winner and NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Magnus!

-Magnus celebrates with his new title and the Carter family to end Final Resolution.