11/28 TNA Impact Wrestling Results: Curry Man Returns, Team Angle vs. Team Roode, Dixie Carter’s Thanksgiving Day Feast & More

(4) Elimination Tag Team Match
Team Roode vs. Team Angle

Kurt Angle and Booby Roode lock up first, but Roode tags out to Kazarian, and Bad Influence double teams Angle until Magnus tags in and goes to work. Magnus catches Kazarian with a big dead-lift suplex, and he walks into the babyface corner to get clocked by all of Team Angle. James Storm tags in and goes to work on Christopher Daniels, and he and Gunner double team Bad Influence until the referee can get control of the match. Storm taks out Chris Sabin, then Daniels with an enzuigir and a backstabber, then hits Sabin with Closing Time. Kazarian gets involved, and gets nailed with the Last Call Superkick, but Sabin rolls up the Cowboy from behind for the 1-2-3. 

Chris Sabin eliminates James Storm

Magnus is in for the babyfaces and goes to work on Daniels, but gets caught with a knee in the corner. E.G.O. now with the triple team and the quick tags. Magnus fights back and hits a huge STO on Daniels, before making the hot tag to Gunner. Gunner catches Kaz in mid-air and hits a huge backbreaker. He locks in the Gun Rack submission, but Chris Sabin distracts the referee, letting Bad Influence go Hi-Lo on Gunner for the quick pin. 

Kazarian eliminates Gunner

Magnus is in for Team Angle, but it's now 4-on-2 and he falls to the Bad Influence double team. Magnus battles back, tossing Daniels to the floor. He hits a flying clothesline on Daniels, but grabs his knee and plays up an injury as Angle and the referee check on him. There's a commercial break, where trainers take Magnus to the back, so it's now 1-on-4 with Team Roode having a serious advantage. 

Injury eliminates Magnus

Kurt Angle does what he can and gets an inside cradle on Daniels, but the referee is distracted by all the heel antics on the apron, and misses the pin. Bad Influence with Hi-Lo on Angle, and in comes Bobby Roode who stacks up his opponent. Roode accidentally takes out Sabin, and Angle fires up with clotheslines and flying forearm shots. Belly-to-belly on Angle, followed by one on Sabin. One German, two Germans, and three Germans find their mark on Roode, and Daniels comes in to receive a trio of his own. Kazarian is up next, so make that nine German suplexes in this sequence. The tenth suplex hits both members of Bad Influence, and Chris Sabin gets an Angle Slam for his trouble. 

Angle applies the Ankle Lock on both Kazarian and Daniels, but Bobby Roode brings a steal chair into the ring; Angle ducks under a chair shot and hits the Angle Slam. Kurt grabs the steel chair and realizes he's not going to win this match, so he attacks Roode with the chair instead. 

Kurt Angle eliminates Kurt Angle. 

Decision: Team Roode wins via disqualification


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