WWE RAW RESULTS (11/18) – Mysterio Returns, 12 Man Tag Main Event, New IC Champion

WWE RAW results

WWE RAW Results
By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com
November 18th 2013

Triple H comes out with Stephanie McMahon and says they've been accused of abusing their power, but last week proved how vital they are to the show. HHH says last week resulted in chaos and they were disappointed, but they are back and well rested so they are ready to take care of business. Randy Orton storms out and says he blames the both of them, and they are directly responsible for him being chokeslammed through a table. He says he is the biggest asset and they should protect him, and Stephanie says he's probably right but Orton says he is definitely right. Orton says he's not going to be able to face Big Show at 100% and he wants answers, but HHH puts him in his place and says it's their company.

HHH tells Orton to watch what he says, but Vickie Guerrero and Brad Maddox come out and say they came to apologize. Maddox says last week was all Vickie's fault, but HHH says it doesn't matter because they all have to pay tonight, and Stephanie says they abused the handicap match type last week. She says they need to understand how grueling a match could be, so Vickie will face AJ Lee, and Maddox will also get a singles match. HHH says Maddox is going to fight right now, in his suit, and he is going to face Randy Orton in a no disqualification match. Maddox tries to backtrack but Kane comes out and backs him up, then grabs him by the shirt collar and makes him go to the ring.

Randy Orton vs Brad Maddox

Maddox reluctantly gets in the ring but immediately runs away, then he gets a mic and says they don't have to do this and tries to run for it. Orton gets him at the barricade and tries to pull him in the ring, but Maddox hits him in the face with the mic and shoves him facefirst into the ringpost. Maddox rolls in the ring and hits a swinging DDT for two, then Orton makes a comeback and throws Maddox headfirst over the ropes. Orton tears off Madox's shirt and chops him, then he connects with a hangman's DDT off of the barricade before rolling him in the ring. Orton steps on his forehead and repeatedly hits him in the face with the mic, then the ref backs Orton away and calls for the bell.

Winner (by knockout) – Randy Orton


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