WWE Hell In A Cell Results (10/27) – Cena Returns, Punk Exacts Revenge, Who Wins WWE Title?

Ryback chokes him with his boot and suplexes him into the cage wall, then he does it two more times and throws Punk down. Ryback rolls him inside and gets a near fall, then he slams Punk on the mat and gets a near fall before applying a bearhug and whipping Punk in the corner. Punk springboards back and hits a crossbody for two, then he leaps off the ropes but Ryback catches him and powerslams him for a near fall. Ryback sets up Shell Shocked but Punk counters, then Ryback misses a corner tackle and hits the ringpost before Punk tees off with the kendo stick. Punk looks up at Heyman and clotheslines Ryback with the kendo stick, then he hits a running knee and a clothesline before hitting a top rope elbow for two. Punk repeatedly hits Ryback with the kendo stick and gets a table, but Ryback punches him in the back and tries to powerbomb him on the side of it.

Punk counters but Ryback crotches him on the corner of the table, then Heyman laughs as Ryback drops Punk with a Meathook for another near fall. Ryback sets the table up and yells at Heyman that it's over, but Punk low blows Ryback and rolls him on the table, then heads up top and elbow drops him through it. Heyman shakes his head as Punk gets to his feet, and he hits Ryback in the face with it before hitting Go To Sleep for the win. Punk gets up and asks Heyman where he's going, then he takes a kendo stick and climbs to the top of the cell. Heyman begs him to stop but Punk grabs him by the shirt and hits him in the stomach, then he repeatedly hits Heyman in the back and legs with the kendo stick. Punk throws the kendo stick down and calls for a GTS, then he knees Heyman in the face and looks down at him before playing to the crowd.

Winner – CM Punk

Los Matadores (w/ El Torito) vs Real Americans (w/ Zeb Colter)

Diego takes Cesaro down but Cesaro down but Swagger tags in and chopblocks him, then he hits a Swagger Bomb before Cesaro double stomps him for a near fall. Cesaro tackles him in the corner before Swagger clotheslines him, then Cesaro applies a side headlock before throwing him into the ropes. Diego elbows him and backdrops Swagger on the floor, then Cesaro pulls Diego back and kicks Fernando in the head. Cesaro knocks Diego back down and gets him in the Giant Swing, then he gets near fall before Fernando breaks up the pin attempt. Diego comes back with an enziguiri before getting the tag, and Fernando hits Swagger with a springboard forearm and a DDT. Cesaro breaks up the pin but Diego dropkicks him outside, then Cesaro tackles him into the barricade as Swagger applies the Patriot Lock. Cesaro pulls the ropes back but Fernando kicks Sawgger into him, then Diego tags in and they hit a tandem backbreaker for the win.

Winners – Los Matadores